Autism Society, The Arc, NACDD, and other I/DD Nonprofits Reinforce Science that Vaccines Are Not Linked to Autism.
Rockville, MD, January 27, 2025 – National disability organizations offer a united front reinforcing the science-based facts that vaccines do not cause Autism. Numerous large-scale studies involving millions of children worldwide have found no evidence to support any connection between vaccines, including the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, and Autism.1 Researchers, health organizations, and public health experts have been clear: vaccines are safe, rigorously tested, and vital for protecting individuals and communities from preventable disease. Perpetuating myths linking vaccines to autism does a disservice to the Autism community by distracting from their pressing healthcare needs.
Vaccines are a crucial public health tool, protecting individuals and communities from preventable diseases. Researchers do not know the exact cause(s) of Autism but are investigating a number of theories, including the links among heredity, genetics, and medical problems.2 Multiple Government-sponsored research projects are looking into causes such as CDC’s Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). The undersigned organizations urge Policymakers and the Administration to focus on the diverse healthcare needs of the Autism community instead of centering on causation. Children with Autism face nearly four times higher odds of having unmet healthcare needs compared to children without disabilities, underscoring the urgent need for systemic improvements in healthcare access and quality.3 We must prioritize addressing the unmet needs of the Autistic community including, but not limited to: early diagnosis and intervention, equal access to treatment, interventions for communication, social, and cognitive differences, access to Medicaid and Medicaid waivers, adult services, mental health treatment, crisis intervention, and trained clinicians.
Policymakers should consider additional funding be spent on scientific and genetic research for long-term planning. However, immediate support is critical for addressing the Autism community’s pressing needs, including equitable healthcare access, mental health services, and education initiatives that ensure individuals with Autism receive the care and resources they need today. The conversation must shift to the public health issues that actually affect the Autism community. Access, affordability, and quality of healthcare services are crucial factors influencing health outcomes for people with Autism. It is our collective responsibility to ensure accurate information prevails, enabling everyone to make informed decisions for a healthier, safer future.
Signed By:
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network
Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG)
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC)
National Down Syndrome Society
[1] https://autismsciencefoundation.org/autism-and-vaccines-read-the-science/
[2] Modabbernia A, Velthorst E, Reichenberg A. Environmental risk factors for autism: an evidence-based review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Mol Autism. 2017 Mar 17;8:13. doi: 10.1186/s13229-017-0121-4. PMID: 28331572; PMCID: PMC5356236.
[3] Karpur A, Lello A, Frazier T, Dixon PJ, Shih AJ. Health Disparities among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Health 2016. J Autism Dev Disord. 2019 Apr;49(4):1652-1664. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3862-9. PMID: 30552540