The back to school transition teems with excitement, apprehension, frustration, and hope for a successful school year. Special education requires parents, students, caretakers, and teachers to tackle challenges and provide extra support so individuals on the autism spectrum can fulfill their right to a meaningful education.
The Autism Society has put together a digital toolkit of resources, information, and guides to help navigate the education system. In addition, we’ve highlighted successful education programs and services offered by our affiliates.
Academic Success:
- Autism Society IEP Information
- A Guide to the Individualized Education Program, by US Department of Education
- Understanding Individualized Education Programs
- Back to School Transition Tips
- Bullying Prevention
- Navigating Academic Success
- Autism Source: The Autism Society’s national online resource database.
For Special Education Professionals:
- Supporting Students with Special Needs: Online Training Modules for School-Based Professionals who Support Students with Disabilities (Developed by Hussman & Holman (2018) in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education)
Public Policy: Education Advocacy
- Autism Society Education Policy Resources & Information
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Autism Society Education & Employment Fact Sheet
- Wrightslaw: Accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
- Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates: Protecting the legal and civil rights of students with disabilities
- Take Action! Contact your local representative.
Affiliates in Action
Check out these successful education models from some of our affiliates:
- Howard County Autism Society: Special Education Support Services & Special Education News Center
- Autism Society of Maine: Autism Information Specialist Program
- South Carolina Autism Society: Parent School Partnership Program
- Autism Society of Southern Illinois: Inclusive Classroom Model, connect with AS of Southern Illinois here.
We encourage you to contact the Autism Society affiliate in your area, as our affiliates are often the most knowledgeable about local services. To find an affiliate in your area, click here.
The Autism Society’s National Contact Center staff are here to get you to the resources you need and to make this time a smooth, happy transition to a great school year ahead! Our Information & Referral Specialists are available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm (Eastern Time) at 800-3-AUTISM (800-328-8476) or info@autism-society.org.
The Autism Society is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all affected by autism. $50 allows the Autism Society to provide an hour of support to our affiliate network to create localized education resources, support, and advocacy to individuals and families affected by autism. If you found this article helpful, please consider supporting our efforts through a donation, every bit helps. Donate here!