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Lars Perner, Ph.D.

Autism Society Board of Directors

Lars became involved with the autism community after being diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 1996 and is the former Chair of the ASA Council of Autistic Advisors.  He is an assistant professor of clinical marketing at the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California, where he specializes in consumer behavior, international marketing, electronic commerce, and experiential student travel to Asia and South America. Lars holds a Ph.D. in marketing from USC and an MBA and B.A. in political science and psychology from the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and has previously taught at the University of Maryland, George Washington University, the University of California at Riverside, and San Diego State University. His main research interests center on consumer behavior, nonprofit marketing, chicken-and-egg problems, “win-win” deals, and autism subtypes.  Lars spends much of his free time at his Central California ranchette and is an avid fruit gardener.