Teacher/Staff Requirements

While IEP goals and objectives should be student-centered, the document may also contain information regarding teacher/staff training. If the IEP team decides that additional training for a teacher is required, this information must be included in the text of the IEP. For example, the team may decide it would be beneficial for a teacher to take an Autism course at a local university. Or it may want the school support staff to attend a two-hour seminar on Autism. Personnel standards and teacher certification requirements are established by each state. For more information on the state certification requirements in your area, please contact your state education agency.

Teacher/Staff Requirements

While IEP goals and objectives should be student-centered, the document may also contain information regarding teacher/staff training. If the IEP team decides that additional training for a teacher is required, this information must be included in the text of the IEP. For example, the team may decide it would be beneficial for a teacher to take an Autism course at a local university. Or it may want the school support staff to attend a two-hour seminar on Autism. Personnel standards and teacher certification requirements are established by each state. For more information on the state certification requirements in your area, please contact your state education agency.