Autism Justice Center

An estimated 5.4 million adults in the U.S. are Autistic. Individuals with Autism and others with developmental disabilities confront discrimination, affecting vital areas such as housing, healthcare, employment, education, and the criminal legal system. The Autism Justice Center focuses on Empowerment, Advocacy, and Justice, standing as a beacon of hope and support for Autistic individuals, their families, and advocates.
The Autism Society of America recognizes the complex and often challenging interactions between individuals with Autism and the criminal legal system. Learn more about the Autism Justice Center’s principles and commitment to advocating for the Autism community.
The Autism Justice Center uses various strategies, including direct advocacy, education, and litigation support. The Autism Justice Center is developing resources for legal professionals so they may better represent and support Autistic clients. The Autism Justice Center works closely with the Autism Society’s Public Policy team on legislative initiatives, and with our National Programs team on training first responders and other safety initiatives. The Autism Justice Center will focus on Empowerment, Advocacy, and Justice.
See the Autism Justice Center’s One-Pager for more.

The Autism Justice Center aspires to be a pioneering force for the Autistic community. Challenges like securing affordable housing, workplace accommodations, and the troubling frequency of negative law enforcement encounters, especially for Autistic individuals who identify as BIPOC, demand our attention and action. The Autism Justice Center aims to expand our capacity to meet these pressing needs.

The Autism Society’s first resource as the Autism Justice Center was produced in partnership with Legal Reform for the Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled (LRIDD). This resource is an FAQ for Public Defenders on how to work with a client with Autism.
The Justice Center moderated a presentation on What to do if Your Child is Arrested with panelists from Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities, the Maryland Office of Public Defender, the Baltimore Crisis Center, and individuals with lived experiences.
Project Unlock PEACE
Providing Equitable Autistic Care Everywhere
Through the work of the Autism Society’s Health Equity arm and Autism Justice Center, Project Unlock PEACE, focuses on providing correctional healthcare professionals, administrators, and corrections officers with the resources to better serve this multiply marginalized community. Through targeted training, the project aims to improve physical and mental health outcomes through Autism and IDD education, providing support strategies, and effective behavioral interventions. Project Unlock PEACE will be piloted in North Carolina in 2025.


With continued support for the Autism Justice Center, we can focus on Empowerment, Advocacy, and Justice, to better support Autistic individuals, their families, and advocates.